Sunday, February 05, 2006
View from the Red Road
View from the Red Road
Spirituality vs Religion
Having heard about "god" all my childhood (but not really ‘practicing’ religion), it took many years of study of Grand Mother Earth and Grand Father Sky called "All That Is” (Wakan Tanka “Great Mystery” in Nakota [misnomer "Sioux"] language) to shed the confusion brought forth unto myself by the man-made concept initiated a mere 10 thousand years ago.
What is so interesting about appreciation of Earth and Sky is that you can begin to see how pollution works, how oppression happens, how the absurd becomes the norm in societies, such as currently affecting/infecting the american family today.
Book religions were created by humans after the invention of the domestication of animals and money - where greed and then slavery came from. Today, this ‘system’ of greed translates into low wage, Exxon control of society (murder for oil policies by the demo-publicans) and mass confusion/control.
Grand Mother Earth is forgotten so as to facilitate the male-dominating society created so a few rich can keep their bank accounts expanding. She becomes a “globe” or “planet”, and her grandchildren then lost.
But the basic necessities of life (such as Mini [Nakota] “My Life” or “Water”) once re-cherished by humanoids can allow a person to see through the confusion and keep them;
a) Thankful
b) Sober
c) Respectful
and most importantly...
d) HAPPY!!!!
Spirituality vs Religion
Having heard about "god" all my childhood (but not really ‘practicing’ religion), it took many years of study of Grand Mother Earth and Grand Father Sky called "All That Is” (Wakan Tanka “Great Mystery” in Nakota [misnomer "Sioux"] language) to shed the confusion brought forth unto myself by the man-made concept initiated a mere 10 thousand years ago.
What is so interesting about appreciation of Earth and Sky is that you can begin to see how pollution works, how oppression happens, how the absurd becomes the norm in societies, such as currently affecting/infecting the american family today.
Book religions were created by humans after the invention of the domestication of animals and money - where greed and then slavery came from. Today, this ‘system’ of greed translates into low wage, Exxon control of society (murder for oil policies by the demo-publicans) and mass confusion/control.
Grand Mother Earth is forgotten so as to facilitate the male-dominating society created so a few rich can keep their bank accounts expanding. She becomes a “globe” or “planet”, and her grandchildren then lost.
But the basic necessities of life (such as Mini [Nakota] “My Life” or “Water”) once re-cherished by humanoids can allow a person to see through the confusion and keep them;
a) Thankful
b) Sober
c) Respectful
and most importantly...
d) HAPPY!!!!