Thursday, January 26, 2006


View from the Red Road

View from the Red Road

Being Indigenous
A Guide To Being A Human Being
Upon Sacred Grand Mother Earth

Indigenous Red “Indian” Nations and Peoples came forth from Grand Mother Earth over 60 million years ago to populate their original homelands upon “Great Turtle Island”, the area now sometimes referred to as “north, central, and south america.” Over eons, the many unique Indigenous Ways of Life evolved by living in respect and appreciation of and with the Natural World, with assistance from the various “visions” and “dreams” (Fire, Bow & Arrow, Homes) of individual citizenry which enhanced their lives - all in harmony and balance with Tunkasina Mahpiya (Nakota) “Grand Father Sky” and Unci Maka “Grand Mother Earth” which comprise “Wakan Tanka”, all of Nature and “All That Is”, more commonly referenced as “The Great Mystery.”

Many common factors are prevalent among the many Indigenous Red Nations – over 500 which existed when columbus washed up 514 years ago to begin the unfortunate “columbus era”, each with their own language and manner of living depending upon the individual features of their pristine homelands. Basic similarities include the Indigenous reverence of MiNi “My Life” or “Water”, respect for the Natural World, appreciation and thankfulness of their food, fire, and shelter, and use of the Sacred Drum and Music, Eagle Feathers, Tobacco, and Incense Purification with the Sacred Sage, Cedar, and Sweet Grass.

“Sacred Little Ones”
In the Indigenous Way of Life, which mirrors the Nations who Grow (Trees, Plants), who Fly (Birds), who Crawl (Insects, Snakes), who Swim (Turtles, Fish), and who Walk (Animals), a human being “man” and “woman” create a newborn child, which is referred to in the Nakota (misnomer “Sioux”; Nakota, DaNakota, Dakota, Lakota) Language as Wakan Yeja or “Sacred Little One.” The baby is perfect at birth - and has done no wrong or harm to any person or being of Nature. The Wakan Yeja begins life upon Grand Mother Earth and beneath Grand Father Sky, learning to appreciate the gifts of Nature throughout his or her life.
Wakan Tanka & “All That Is”
In the Indigenous Way of Life, there is no “god, creator, grandfather, higher power” concept. Each individual is responsible to their self and to their families and communities. There is only the Great Mystery of Grand Mother Earth and Grand Father Sky. There is no “prayer” to a fantasical object or being - only expressions of appreciation and thankfulness to the Earth and Sky for all the gifts of Nature that the human being is so fortunate to have available for their living, or in today’s survival.

Nature as Superior
The Two-Legged human needs to take life in order to live upon Grand Mother Earth in relative comfort. Fire needs to be burned, Animals
and Plants killed, hides and fibers used for clothing. But the superior Tree stands tall, shed-
ding leaves for winter, only to come to life to provide shade and oxygen to those that move upon the Earth each spring. Such superiority!!

Crying For A Vision
Often referred to as “fasting”, the Nakota practice an Appreciation Exercise called “Crying For A Vision”, in order to learn to better appreciate the gifts of life. An individual stands upon a hilltop over night and throughout the day - without food, water, clothing - which teaches appreciation and respect. This practice insures balance within a person, which radiates out to their family, community, and nation. Often, an Eagle Feather is carried in hand and is held continuously, offered to the Six Directions. The sheer beauty of Grand Mother Earth and Grand Father Sky can easily be understood by employing this simple practice.
Six Directions
It is most important to always know where you are at on this Earth. To the Nakota, the first direction is the direction where the Sun Comes Up (“east”). It represents childbirth and infancy. The second direction is where The People Face (“south") and is symbolic of teenage years, while the direction where the Sun Goes Down is adulthood, and the direction of the Evergreen Trees represents the winter age of life. Within the Grand Father Sky is the Mother Moon and Father Sun. Within the Grand Mother Earth is the Mother Water and the Father Rock. This understanding of balance keeps the human being from being greedy, desiring alcohol/drugs or other escapes from life and reality.

Food and Survival
The direction where the Sun Comes Up is also the start of recognizing the importance of My Life “water.” This is the first of the four main food groups of the Nakota Nation. The Vegetable, Meat, and Fruit are the other three food groups, which are dried during the late summer to insure a pleasant life throughout the winter months (avoiding “survival”).
There were only two meals per day (at around 10 a.m. and 4 p.m. in today’s terms), with only the amount of food that could fit in the palm of an individual’s hand as the meal. The highly nutrified “Sun-Dried” food sustains proper weight and condition for each individual. Bison Robes were used by the Nakota, which guaranteed they would never freeze to death during extreme cold. Bison hide Tipis, coupled with personal robes, made each winter pleasant and rewarding for the Nakota.

Care of Your Body
In Prior to 1492, the Nakota were free of disease and illnesses. They were always outside in the fresh air. Today, each winter the non-Indigenous get the “flu” and “colds” from being penned up in their poorly-ventilated homes with deadly, toxic gasses providing them heat.
Lack of sex in the stressful, greedy, male-dominating, corporate-controlled society today also causes lack of exercise and obesity. Understanding dangers to your body prevents sicknesses. Common sense dictates that a person would not approach a rattlesnake and calmly pick it up off the ground - for they would surely be bitten. The snake is not bad but should be respected and not used or abused. Just as uranium (used to make nuclear bombs) should not be gouged from Grand Mother Earth as it causes cancer, marijuana is not to be disturbed for human being dysfunction and habit.

The “Time Line”
Ten thousand years ago, man ‘domesticated’ animals and invented the term “money” and “god.” This moment in time was the beginning of the time called the “pyramid hierarchy system” era. This was the start of ‘property’ and the male-dominating quest for ego power and greed. Fences were built, and eventually walls and forts. The presidents, kings, leaders, and dictators then went out to fill their “yards” with resources stolen from others. The concept of a “higher power” was employed in order to keep the masses confused and with a ‘low self esteem’ (always under something), which allows the rich to have, while the enslaved masses remain the have nots.

History Through Language
Upon Great Turtle Island, Indigenous nations watched the small, “grass-eater” dog-like animal with three toes sprint in herds across the prairies - only later over millions of years to grow into the single-hooved “horse” seen today. This Sunka Wakan or Mysterious Dog (symbolic of the creatures evolving over time right in front of the eyes of Indigenous Peoples) served to assist human beings.
The mere use of the word MiNi reveals a Way of Life so appreciative of even the most basic needs, as opposed to so-called “civilized” societies, which are based in greed and also pollute and contaminate their own basic drinking water supplies.
All races of human kind including the Yellow, Black, and White, had similar concepts of love fro Grand Mother Earth and Water ten thousand years ago and prior to the “pyramid hierarchy system.”

Stereotypes & Racism
(See for more Facts & Fiction regarding stereotypes)
Many lies were told about Indigenous Red nations and Peoples as the pilgrims and Americans forged west, murdering, stealing, occupying in the world’s largest, quickest and deadliest holocaust the world has ever seen (100 million innocent Red Lives taken).
The act of “scalping” was invented by Europeans and transported to Great Turtle Island, perpetrated and inflicted upon and against Indigenous Peoples for monetary bounties by the early settlers, pilgrims, and americans.

Indigenous Peoples - who are now themselves blamed for this barbaric act (the Nakota used horse hair for personal decorations, which may have confused early americans who were eager to “blame the victim”). This process of dehumanization is still designed to relieve or “forgive” the white man for atrocities committed so that they might possibly sleep better at night and remain in denial that Indigenous resources and daily living objects (misnomer “artifacts”) remain stolen and occupied by the u.s. government and their american citizenry. The Nakota and many other Indigenous Red Nations utilized horse hair for decorating clothing and personal effects, but it is doubtful that this is what confuses american society, a society unfortunately too often eager to ‘blame the victim.’

As an example, over nine ($9) trillion dollars in thefted Nakota “Black Hills” gold remains as stolen property in Fort Knox, Kentucky, while trillions in Nakota “Wyoming” coal is transported illegally each day across state lines from within 1851 Treaty of Fort Laramie Homelands to serve the electrical needs (lights, heat, computers, TV) of millions and millions of americans - all this without one penny to the struggling Nakota People.

True Democracy “Oyate Omniciye”
(See for more information about Indigenous governing)
For millions of years in the Indigenous Nakota Way of Life, women and men gathered together in large Talking Circles to share their ideas and act upon issues affecting their communities. Their consensus was unanimously agreed to by all and insured peace and happiness for all.

The People authorize and select an Itacan (Expert Spokesperson) an individual - female or male - who is the most eloquent and trusted of speakers to serve the community during national and international public gatherings. The Itacan only speaks what they are instructed to say. They articulate the true feeling and national intent of all The People.
World “governments” today are “led” by dictators, presidents, kings, corporate executives, or elected officials who control the masses through such male-dominating systems usually of “majority rule” - which only masquerade as “democracy.”

Oyate Omniciye (Nakota) or “Circle Meetings of The People” are currently endangered and ‘hanging by a thread” in places like among the Ihanktunwan DaNakota or “Yankton Dakota” peoples in “southeastern South Dakota.” The good people of the world must strive to protect, preserve and enhance this near-extinct Way of Life known as democracy.

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