Sunday, January 01, 2006


View from the Red Road

View from the Red Road

Rescind Congressional Medals of Honor NOW!

Whereas, approximately 575 Lakota Citizenry, primarily woman, children, and old people and a few men, of the Indigenous Community known as the “Big Foot” Camp began fleeing the area of what is now called the Cheyenne River Sioux Indian Reservation in north central South Dakota, were fleeing marauding and genocide-intending u.s. military units scouring 1851 Treaty of Fort Laramie Homelands illegally (in order to try to establish the currently illegal state of South Dakota) immediately after the u.s. government agent assassination of their close relative, friend and ally, Tatanka Iyotake “Sitting Bull”, and,

Whereas, u.s. army Colonel Forsyth did remove all sewing and cooking items, sharp objects, knives, bows and arrows and all items considered “weaponry” by the military in totality from each and every Lakota woman, child, and elder of the refugee Big Foot community of Mnicojou Lakota upon their interception 13 days later near Porcupine Butte on December 28th, 1890, and,

Whereas, many soldiers strip searched, abused, kicked, spat upon, beat and otherwise violated international laws of military engagement prior to force-marching the 575 three miles down to “Wounded Knee Creek” where they forced all of them into overcrowded conditions, without fires to keep warm, in only thirty eight Tipis and set up a perimeter, including many “Hotchkiss” machine guns of mass destruction above the hills around the cold and suffering, and,

Whereas, at dawn the next morning of December 29th, 1890, Forsyth did fire his sidearm in order to start the genocidal mass murder of 453 of the innocent Lakota where only just over 100 souls survived, and,

Whereas, the army immediately began to spread propaganda, lies, and rumors to the racist press that “a Lakota ‘fired their weapon first’” to start the “battle”, and

Whereas, the dead and dying were shoveling into a large open mass grave without proper and moral ceremony, and,

Whereas, nearly two dozen “congressional medals of honor” were “awarded” to many of the soldiers who committed the treacherous acts of barbarism and genocide, and,

Whereas, these two dozen medals have yet to be rescinded by congress.

Therefore be it resolved that we demand the immediate rescinding of the nearly two dozen “medals of honor” and we will continue steadfastly to put pressure our local politicians to see that this is done immediately.

(The petition can be viewed online here: and you should copy and take to your legislator’s office for their work getting rescinded)

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