Wednesday, October 26, 2005

Regarding american sporting team mascots, logos, and gestures disrespecting, offensive to, and racist against Indigenous Red “Indian” Nations and Peoples
Indigenous Red Nations and Peoples:
* did not have “chiefs” Prior to the columbus invasion of 1492, Indigenous men and women of the community would gather to discuss and take action upon a particular national subject – consensus and true democracy in an open circle of balanced voices. The word “chief” is Latin for “dictator/king/leader/president.”
* did not “scalp” European and Dutch pilgrims invented and perpetrated the barbaric act of “scalping” against Indigenous Red Peoples (most having long, beautiful, black hair), offering cash bounties for the “redskins.” Yet many are ignorant of the fact that Indigenous Peoples never practiced such a savage act, waged primarily by god-fearing societies.
* did not “tomahawk chop” Hollywood created a "tomahawk chop" to discredit Indigenous Peoples – who were the victims” of the European “scalping” practice. Indigenous Peoples take offense at the ignorant and racist “blaming the victim” american gesture which promotes the stereotypical lie that “Indians were savage.”
* did not “beat tom-toms” Indigenous Nations treasure the Sacred Drum – whose sound represent the heartbeat of Grand Mother Earth, employing the most beautiful songs on Earth. The vision of the Sacred Drum came to Indigenous Peoples over 51 million years ago. The beat of the Drum sounds nothing like the stereotypical “loud beat followed by three softer beats” concocted to “make fun of Indians” by rednecks.
* did not have or wear “war bonnets” Indigenous Feather Head Dresses have important meaning to the wearer and should not be denigrated or disrespected by mocking such head wear with “chicken feather mimicking.” Indigenous Peoples have no word for "war" - as this was never practiced prior to the occupation of america by alien europeans.
With the invention and concoction of “god” and the male dominating system of greed designed to enslave the masses so that a few can control from atop the “pyramid hierarchy”, domesticated animals, fences, forts, catapults and weapons of mass destruction, murder, rape, and war befell the peaceful “Circle” peoples of all colors of human-kind throughout the world, culminating with the destruction of the final race to be contaminated – the Red People of Great Turtle Island. All races lived simply around central campfires ten thousand years ago and before, enjoying true freedom and sharing great principals and family values.
See more info at and petition at

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